At the time of that story, Lisa and Chris were preparing to run a famous route across Australia that was followed by an indigenous stockman named Hezekiel Malbunka back in 1922 in order to deliver a telegram. The route is more than 125km (77.6 miles) in length and runs through some of the hottest environments on the continent. The two runners took on that very route and as a result we now have a pilot video of what the show would be all about. You can watch that video below and judge for yourself.
Lisa and Chris a now hoping to take the show into full production and as such they're hoping to connect with some partners and television networks who may be interested in helping get Run The Planet off the ground. For those interested, full details, including production notes, are available at
Judging from what I've seen in the video here, this looks like it would be a fantastic show. If you don't think running across remote landscapes can be a compelling television show, just watch the fourteen and a half minute screener below. Excellent work by all involved.
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